Monday, March 11, 2013

First 5K - Shamrock Shuffle

So this past weekend I participated in my very first 5K. I have been working towards this for a while now and thanks to Visalus, The 90 Day Challenge, and my own personal motivation I was able to take part in this fun activity. I was not able to run the whole thing yet, but by the end of summer I will run a whole 5K.
All ready to get our run/walk on.

It was a blast, I ran/walked the course in about 44 minutes with my sister and a friend of ours. We are all on the 90 day challenge and are starting to prepare for a Dirty Girl mud run later this summer. My goal is to be able to run the whole course. I have a lot of time and a Color Run to finish that will help me prepare for the mud run.
My sister and I just after the race...cooling down.

While I have been busy running off the pounds I have also been enjoying my yummy vi shakes for breakfast and lunch. So enough about me, this week I will start talking about the 90 day challenge, the product and the kits. I will start blogging about my life and how I incorporate the vi shakes and the challenge into my life.

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